Module H2.Config

HTTP/2 Configuration

type t = {
read_buffer_size : int;

read_buffer_size specifies the size of the largest frame payload that the sender is willing to receive, in octets. Defaults to 16384

request_body_buffer_size : int;

Defaults to 4096

response_body_buffer_size : int;

Defaults to 4096

enable_server_push : bool;

Defaults to true

max_concurrent_streams : int;

max_concurrent_streams specifies the maximum number of streams that the sender will allow the peer to initiate. Defaults to 1^31 - 1

initial_window_size : int;

initial_window_size specifies the initial window size for flow control tokens. Defaults to 65535

val default : t

default is a configuration record with all parameters set to their default values.