Om Next internals: Incremental Rendering
29 Sep 2016The phrase "incremental rendering" is frequently thrown around in the context of Om Next's design. This post is an attempt to clarify what the concept of incremental rendering is all about, what it does for your Om Next applications and how you can take advantage of its properties.

First things first
Some of the properties behind Om Next's design make it possible to perform a number of optimizations under the hood. These optimizations are mostly driven by the fact that components are annotated with query expressions and identity. One example of such optimizations is behind the solution for issue #556: transacting large values or reading large data sets is not slow anymore 1.
Incremental rendering is another such optimization in Om Next, based on its knowledge
about an application's data requirements. In plain React, re-rendering always initiates
at the root component, whether its children (in the tree) end up updating or
not. This means that each node in the component tree gets asked if it needs to update
— via the shouldComponentUpdate
lifecycle method. Om Next, on the other hand, knows
exactly what data components need, which means it can always start diffing their
props at the root of the concrete subtrees that need the data related to transactions.
The next image compares React and Om Next's updating phases after a transaction that
originated at the red node.

How can this work?
Astute readers might now be asking themselves — but how can incremental rendering
be made to work, if the Om Next parser dispatches on the top-level keys in a query?
Well, that's the entire purpose of path metadata and
. When
updating a subtree, Om Next does two things. Firstly, it calls the parser with the
of the component rooted at that subtree — which is really just a fancy
way of saying "give me a query starting at the root of my application, but narrowly
focused at the current component's query". It then extracts the data relevant to
the component that is updating, which is located at its data path. Cool stuff, right?
Even better, this behavior is extensible through the :ui->props
key in the reconciler!
If the above sounded too dense, here's a practical example:
- Say we have an application that shows 2 tabs. We might have the components below:
(defui TabInfo
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:info/id :info/name :info/items]))
(defui Tab
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[:tab/title {:tab/info (om/get-query TabInfo)}]))
(defui Root
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
[{:tab1 (om/get-query Tab)}
{:tab2 (om/get-query Tab)}]))
- Now let's imagine that the
component in tab #2 has performed a transaction that adds more items to its:info/items
list. Check out the differences below between the application's root query and thefull-query
of the transacting component:
;; Application's root query
[{:tab1 [:tab/title
{:tab/info [:info/id :info/name :info/items]}]}
{:tab2 [:tab/title
{:tab/info [:info/id :info/name :info/items]}]}]
;; `` of tab #2's `TabInfo`
[{:tab2 [{:tab/info [:info/id :info/name :info/items]}]}]
As you can see, the full-query
is narrowly focused at the specific data requirements
that TabInfo
declares. Two beneficial consequences follow: for one thing, it allows
the parser to dispatch on the same key as the root query; additionally, it makes>tree
's data denormalization perform faster, as we're only interested
in a specific subset of the data when compared to the application's root query.
- What about the "data path" mentioned above? What is that?
The data path of a given component is simply a vector of keywords that describe how
we can get to the query of a given component starting from the query of an applications'
root component. In our example above, the path of tab #2's TabInfo
would be
[:tab2 :tab/info]
. This means that Om Next can simply use get-in
in the result
of parsing and pass the correct data to the updating component(s).
Wrapping up
I hope this article helps you understand some of the inner workings that make Om Next awesome :-) In a next post, I'll talk about how we can optimize incremental rendering even further with "path optimization".
Stay tuned, and thanks for reading!